Travel Funds Available at Wellesley for Rising Seniors!

Please see the email I received from Wellesley College. What a great opportunity for some great girls!

Discover Wellesley Weekend Travel Funds Now Available!

Exciting news for your rising senior girls! Students may now apply for a travel grant to attend Discover Wellesley Weekend on Sunday, October 6 and Monday, October 7. 
Who is it for?
Wellesley encourages applicants from underrepresented cultural backgrounds such as African American, Asian American, Hispanic/Latina American, Native American; first-generation students; and/or students from other underrepresented communities. The travel grant selection committee will also prioritize inviting students from families with limited financial resources, regardless of cultural or racial background. The above-mentioned are priorities, but are not meant to imply any exclusivity regarding the program or the selection process.
What’s free?
Transportation to and from campus, meals, and overnight housing (with a current student!). Family members are welcome to attend Discover Wellesley Weekend, but the grant only covers travel for the student.
How do students apply?
The priority application deadline is June 30; the final deadline is August 15.

  1. For details on how to apply:

  2. Students are encouraged to report SAT or ACT test scores and must submit a copy of their unofficial transcript (grades 9-11th) and a statement of purpose along with their application. 

What can you do?
Please pass this information to any rising seniors you think is a good fit for Wellesley and may need financial assistance to attend Discover Wellesley Weekend. We are looking for engaging, bright, and academically driven women who represent diverse geographic regions and who are interested in discovering Wellesley’s diverse and inclusive community. We give preference to students who have not yet visited. Last year, we received nearly 600 applications for a total of 100 available grants, and we hope to offer as many grants this fall. 
You are welcome to email me with the names of your students who will be applying for the travel grant, so I can keep an eye out for their applications.
A second chance
Due to limited funding, we may not be able to award grants to all qualified students. If they are not awarded a grant, we hope you will still encourage them to apply to Wellesley. Our application is free. We offer additional travel grants for our Spring Open Campus program for admitted students in April.

For more information, please review our travel grant webpage, including our FAQs.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at Thanks for spreading the word!
Best wishes,
Natasha Robinson
Associate Director of Admission